The vision for the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award (DofE) Bermuda is to be the programme of choice for any young person in Bermuda and available to all who wish to participate.
We believe we can further augment our outreach to have a greater impact on a larger segment of the community and improve the quality of life and spirit amongst the whole community. In particular we are seeking to continue to raise awareness of the programme and to increase participation from within Bermuda in the public schools, community service groups and the prison system.

The Mission of the Award is to promote the Award in Bermuda, to provide the programme, and to preserve the quality so that it is sustainable and continues to be delivered in a manner that is relevant to the aspirations of each participant.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Bermuda is a fun-filled and flexible programme for young people between the ages of 14 to 25. The programme fosters personal growth and delivers on teaching motivation, commitment, leadership, team-work, self-discovery, and achievement of one’s full potential through participation in challenging and non-competitive activities of community service, personal skills, physical recreation and adventurous journeys.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Bermuda is committed to:
The emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual, & social development of young people
The development of confident, motivated, committed, disciplined & skilled young people who are able to make informed, critical decisions & exercise their rights as citizens by contributing positively to society
Ensuring learning & self-discovery through a fun and flexible environment
The principle & practice of developing relevant partnerships, effective teamwork & working collaboratively
The principles of equity, diversity & interdependence Being responsive & accountable to its stakeholders
Open & transparent processes
Recognising, valuing & promoting volunteers & service to the community
The promotion & dissemination of learning, best practice & quality standards