On the 3rd and 4th October, 2020, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Bermuda (the Award) held two Joint Training Sessions in which over 75 young people from across the island attended. The aim of this annual training was to bring participants and Award Leaders together to give them a better understanding of the programme and create an opportunity for participants to develop an awareness of the diversity of participants involved.

During the two Joint Training sessions, one for Bronze and the other for Silver and Gold, participants were randomly chosen to form groups that worked together to complete training in various areas of the Award which outlined the 4 sections. The training activities included a navigation scavenger hunt, a beach clean-up, team building exercises, obstacle course, camp craft, physical recreation with the Bermuda Jump Rope Federation and a lesson on ‘Understanding the Award’.

This year we were pleased to welcome Anne Hyde, Executive Director of Keep Bermuda Beautiful (KBB) (pictured right), who talked to the participants about reducing waste and eliminating litter. KBB provided gloves and trash bags (blue recycling and black bags) for the participants to use while performing the clean ups in the surrounding beach areas and along the walking paths. In turn participants made a note of the type of trash and debris they were collecting for KBB’s research. A big part of the Award’s ethos is for participants to observe, protect and be aware of the possible impact on the natural environment caused by human interaction whilst they are on the Adventurous Journey and in their daily lives. It is important for our participants to understand and limit this impact and “leave no trace.”

Karen Simmons, Programme Director stated, “It was fantastic to see all the young people come together, step outside their comfort zone and work with one another to achieve and engage in the Award. We were pleased to welcome Anne Hyde from KBB to talk to the participants about the damage to the environment humans are causing and what they can do to prevent further harm. The Award and KBB have a long-standing partnership and many of our participants volunteer on a weekly basis to help collect trash. It was also great to welcome Award Alumni, Jada Outerbridge and Amirh Wade, who are multiple Award Holders that volunteered their time and talent from the Bermuda Jump Rope Federation. Jada and Amirh demonstrated their skills and taught the participants and Award Leaders, how to jump rope to keep fit and do some fun team building exercises. Part of the Award Programme is to increase physical fitness and to learn or improve upon a skill. Jump rope is a great example of a type of activity participants could engage and create a SMART Goal they would work toward achieving, on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Overall, the feedback from participants and the Award Leaders was extremely positive. The Award Leaders, in particular, commented how beneficial it was to be able to build relationships and collaborate with other leaders during the event.”
Jovanna Douglas, Award Chair, stated, “Joint training is an important part of doing the Award process cycle, which is held annually, because it encourages Award participants from across the island to step outside their comfort zone to work together to complete the various training activities. The Joint Training weekend could not happen without the support of our many volunteers and donors. On behalf of the Award Council, I would like to firstly thank the Bermuda Regiment for giving us access to the Regiment Facility and to Color Sergeant Sergio White for assisting our participants on the obstacle course. I would also like to thank the volunteers who assisted at Joint Training and who volunteer throughout the year at the Award Centers. The Award is provided free of charge to ensure it is accessible to all and this is thanks to our many donors including the Bank of Bermuda Foundation, Argus, The Argo Foundation, The Chubb Foundation, The Bermuda Community Foundation, Conyers, AXAXL, Edmund Gibbons Ltd. and Zurich.”
The Award develops well-rounded, global citizens who take pride in themselves and their communities. If you are interested in getting involved in the programme or would like to donate, please email fiona@theaward.bm or call 737-8959.