The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, Bermuda (the Award) is pleased to confirm the following Silver and Gold Level Award participants are traveling to Tobago to take part in a four-day, 3-night Adventurous Journey and Residential Project in the northeastern side of Tobago, July 27th-August 6th, 2023. Participants will trek through the lush Main Ridge Forest Reserve, the oldest forest reserve in the Western Hemisphere and an important habitat for native and endemic plants and animals, including one of the country's national birds, the Cocrico. The journey involves traveling through and learning about the local culture and communities in Tobago.

Silver Level Award Participants
Neriah Bean
Ces’zinee Cox
Amya Pierre
Marseille Williams
Gold Level Award Participants
Imani Bell
Chrishante’ Dill
Vintage Lightbourne-Thomas
Ashley Swainson
Two senior Emerging Leaders, Brianna Simmons and K’ari Bean, will be traveling as Award Leaders alongside the Programme Director, Karen Simmons and Senior Award Leader, Lisa Brewster.
Programme Director, Karen Simmons stated, “The Award in Bermuda is pleased to partner with The President's Award Trinidad and Tobago (TPaTT) to offer a bold and challenging Adventurous Journey and Residential Project in Tobago. The expedition will not only be new and exciting, but participants will have to work and live closely together as part of a team, grow their leadership skills, be resilient and discover a sense of adventure. They will have to do this with their friends but also with young people they have never met before from Trinidad and Tobago.”
“The groups will be immersed in Tobago’s culture and local community. From Roxborough to Bloody Bay to Charlottesville to Speyside, the Adventurous Journey will pass through 7 communities, rich in their unique history and culture. They will spend the night on a beach, wake up to beautiful sunrises and will learn about and experience the hospitality of each community. As part of the group’s residential project, we are also partnering with the Rotaract Club of Tobago to assist with a school beautification project. At basecamp and prior to the expedition, the group will focus on getting to know each other, developing their leadership and teamwork skills, working on navigation, map preparation and open camp fire set up.”
Chair of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, Bermuda, Ryan Eve, stated, “I would like to wish the group all the best on this exciting and impactful journey. As an Award Tri-Holder myself, I know firsthand the challenges faced in completing an Adventurous Journey and how rewarding the experience can be. I am also pleased to note that two of our Senior Emerging Leaders are traveling with the group. Both Brianna and K’ari are also Tri-Holders, who sit on the Award Council as Alumni Co-Chair and Award Leader Representative, and volunteer regularly for the Award. Representing the Americas Region for the International Award Council, Brianna will engage with the young people from the Caribbean region to collect participant feedback about their experiences to present at the International Council meeting in October. It says a lot about the Award when Alumni continue to give back to those coming through the programme. I look forward to hearing all about their time in Tobago when they return.”
“In addition, I would like to thank our many donors, their support enables us to offer the Award free of charge to young people ages 14-24, such as The Centennial Foundation, KPMG, Zurich, Axis, Argus, Argo, The Chubb Foundation, The Bermuda Foundation, The XL Foundation, The Peter Cundill Foundation, Edmund Gibbons Ltd., Jardines, Butterfield & Vallis, Allied World, Hiscox, Everon, Conyers and Orbis.”
Participation in The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award helps to develop future leaders and empowers young people to determine their own definition of success. It starts from within and builds an individual’s desire for lifelong learning and community involvement. It is a sustainable model for philanthropy and lays a foundation to make positive choices that support healthy lifestyles. Group activities, including training for and completion of the adventurous journeys and residential projects, promote teamwork, critical thinking skills, positive communication and a wealth of other enhanced life skills that are beneficial as our young people mature into adulthood. All these experiences combined contribute to a more balanced community. The Award helps participants become ready for the world of today and tomorrow. If you are interested in getting involved in the programme, please email or call 737-8959.